Number 5 As an Expression or Destiny Number You will never be bored when you hang with a 5.
#Destiny number 5 how to#
Nonetheless, 5 certainly teaches others how to embrace change and freedom with zeal. “Party on” may very well be one of 5s favorite phrases. The 5 constantly encounters the temptation of the squirrel to follow for a good time. The restless spirit is very easily distracted (think of the dog who focuses on one thing then spots a squirrel. These are rather rash and, as a result, shy away from consistency. Of course for every good characteristic in number symbolism there are some downsides to the 5s energy signature. It also helps us understand why the pentagram became a significant symbol in various religions including Taoism and Wicca.

All of this explains a great deal as to why the fifth card of the Tarot is the Hierophant – the priest or shaman who bridges the gaps between the worlds. If this is your Path, you reach for the stars even daring to hope for transcendence. With this in mind, we see 5 humming on a mystical quest of sorts – things that feed the mind and embrace love. Ancient Greek writings give humankind five principles that include divine spirit and intelligence.

Ideologically there are five virtues that include love, truth and justice. That spirit is something the 5 craves, so they live in the moment often planning the next great adventure (which could be in five minutes!).īuddhism has five commandments. This is particularly true in relationships.īeing the sum of 2 and 3, 5 can represent the sacred marriage or as Helen Blavatsky said succinctly, “5 is the spirit of life and human love”. Because of this 5 may strive for harmony when they see divisiveness, acting as a mediator. It represents God’s will, grace and the ability to put either into action on the Earth Plane. This number constantly colors outside the lines, sometimes forgoing them altogether.ĥ appears in many philosophies and religions giving it yet more symbolic dimensions. It’s not surprising to see the 5 dating several different people at the same time, a habit that can be disconcerting to numbers needing stability. Until the 5 falls in love (and they can fall hard) they’re social butterflies in the sacred number world. That’s what makes the 5 personality very exciting but also a tad dangerous and non-committal. This lady is in your face putting herself out there in very adventurous ways. Don’t mistake this vibration as bashful or modest. Symbolically most experts on the meaning of numbers feel that 5s have a strong feminine side with masculine undertones. Nothing will make a 5 wine and moan more than tedium, and until that situation resolves they’ll be miserable. The five is the type of person who cannot sit down for very long and who gets bored very easily. This live wire gives new meaning to outgoing. In Numerology, the Number 5 is a living dynamo. Personality Traits: Adventurous, Seeker and Teacher of Esoteric Wisdom, Sensual, Addictive Traits Follow your curiosity, run on those gypsy feet, but like George of the Jungle – watch out for that tree! Even so your communications are going to be even more scattered than normal. When Mercury goes retrograde, hang tight! Its going to be a wild ride for a while, which you actually like. Don’t worry, a short burst of focus won’t hurt you – you will never run with a conventional crowd, and the word “monotony” was stricken from your dictionary a long time ago.īear in mind that when this sacred number walks with you, there are strong mercurial influences. Even your quick wit won’t help you avoid some responsibility, at which point just suck it up and put the same energy you give adventures to the task at hand. Your capricious nature may come across to others as fickle and undependable. If your Life Path Number is 5 your lesson in life is learning to embrace some level of stability. You know the skinny dipping couple? One of them was inevitably a 5.

Some 5’s have a telepathic knack which makes the 5 a very sensitive lover and one who enjoys trying new things in and out of the bedroom. They’re quick learners, highly motivational and many times visionaries. The greatest caution for the 5 is avoiding being too indulgent (think impulse buying, for example).ĥs have a distinctive flair. The more senses an experience or object engaged, the more excited they got (food is a very good example – it wouldn’t surprise us to meet a lot of 5s who are foodies). As a child this person wanted to touch everything and get all the input they could.

Consider our body has five senses and five fingers. Those with a Life Path Number 5 are highly sensual people. In the spiritual significance of numbers, these are the foundations for the numerology meanings of the sacred and mystical Number 5.